When a business doesn't have a strategic plan, what tends to happen is what we call the "copy" syndrome. This is where you look at one, or more, businesses and emulate aspects of their business. This often leads to changing directions midstream without focus and forethought. You essentially become a follower rather than a leader in your field. Rarely do these followers ever get out of that rut and become leaders in their field. When JM2 brings clients into our Cullman office we talk with them; it's our way. We don't ask directed questions to learn about them. Those questions all come out in regular conversation and we start to learn about their culture, who they are, their values, and more. This valuable information allows us to better serve them without having to "interrogate" them.
The first step we all must take whether new or already established is what makes our business different and why should others choose us over everyone else in our field. Successful business owners can answer this in an instant without much thought as they had already asked themselves that question many different ways and answered it countless times. They are confident, know that they are unique, and provide a lasting value to their customers. This difference can be pricing differences, better customer services, knowledge of products, dedication or another unique trait that your customers cannot get elsewhere.
The search engines love leaders and the valuable content that they provide to others. Content is considered king on the search engines as providing quality value is important to ranking well. Ways that you can help establish yourself as a leader are:
There is a reason we took honesty as the number one trait for JM2. Many promise certain things but how are you to trust them if honesty is not at the heart of their organization? Trust from your customers' is key to your organization growing, staying on top, and being recommended by your customers.
If you have a reputation for treating those around you well and informed rather than keeping them stuck in silos others will recognize this. When you treat others well you will have the top talent and best in class wanting to work with you. The people that will want to work with you will not just be employees but customers as well.
When you are a though leader, treat others well, with respect, and keep them informed you will not only gain respect from others but make others copy and follow you. That makes you a leader and those around you followers. When everyone is following you, and copy what you are doing you know you are not only doing something right but you are becoming the industry expert that others want to be with.
If you are ready to work with the industry leader JM2 is ready to work with you. Every article on our blogs are our own from leaders in the field that are dedicated to helping small to mid-size businesses grow organically. You can reach us at @BUSINESSPHONETOLLFREE@, email at @BUSINESSEMAILADDRESS@, or through our contact form here.