We hear your struggle, feel your pain, and we are making a solution for you so that your unique story can be heard. Everyone has a story and many haven't been able to be heard. Not because they don't have a good story or because it's not worth hearing. For many it's because to get a story heard you either have to know someone or you have to "pay to play". Those that know JM2 know we think that is not right and we're making a game changing announcement about how stories are told.
There are a lot of good people, great businesses, and some really inspiring stories out there. We know our story is unique and even when we paid we couldn't get our story heard. This was disheartening and got us thinking of how to get your story heard. It took years to learn this as we didn't see it at the time. As we learned this we talked among ourselves and said we bet there are others in the same boat as we are. We have a solution for it and we're going to cover it below on how you can be heard.
Starting in 2018 we are devoting 20% of our content writers time to stories. They will be 100% free. Yes, you heard right. We are JM2'ng the entire story process as we feel the entire process needs to be fixed. No more pay to play or knowing someone (well you have to know us but you're reading this so you are already there). Being we are located in Northwest Alabama and we know that stories exist beyond us we even have a solution for you that is also free! We can't say we are a national company without being truly national, can we? When you have an idea, you need to think big, you need push beyond your comfort zone, and you need to get everyone to notice. Think they will? We think they will!
Yeah, that's not our style. We want simple, elegant, and we want you heard! So how will this work?