Filter Automated Email Messages

 Created Date: 4/19/2013 12:00:00 AM |  User Level: Regular User |  Views: 5,171

In order to filter automated email messages delivered to your server, you can create a domain content filter to perform one or more of the following actions when they come in:

  • Mark as read
  • Delete
  • Bounce
  • Move message to folder
  • Prefix subject
  • Embed header line into message
  • Copy message
  • Reroute the message to another email address

For example, follow these steps to re-route all automated emails to the administrator:

  • Log in to SmarterMail as the domain administrator
  • Click Settings icon
  • Expand the Domain Settings and Filtering folders in the navigation pane
  • Click Content Filtering. A list of content filters will load in the content pane
  • Click New in the content pane toolbar. The content filtering options will load in the content pane
  • In the Other category, select the Message is automated (no return address) checkbox
  • Click Next. More options will load in the content pane.
  • Click Next
  • In the Name field, type the name of the content filter
  • Add an action for SmarterMail to take on the message by selecting the appropriate checkbox(es)
  • Click Save