Setup and Testing of eCommerce Email

 Created Date: 1/20/2020 8:56:27 PM |  User Level: Regular User |  Views: 2,065

Within nopCommerce for email sending to work you need to have it setup correctly. In the steps below we will outline the steps to setup as well as test your nopCommerce site.


  • Log into your nopCommerce site as an administrator.
  • Click on Configuration.
  • Click on Email accounts.
  • If you have no account listed click on Add new. If you already have an account you will click on Edit.
  • Enter your Email address.
  • Enter your Email display name.
  • Enter your Host (mail server).
  • Enter your Port.
  • Enter your User (usually an email address).
  • Enter your Password.
  • Check SSL if your mail server needs SSL (or TLS) encryption enabled (most do!).
  • Check Use default credentials if this is needed (most do not!).
  • Click on the Save button.

Changing Email Password

  • Log into your nopCommerce site as an administrator.
  • Click on Configuration.
  • Click on Email accounts.
  • Click on Edit to edit the email account. If you don't already have an email account setup for sending you will need to do this first in the Setup section above.
  • Enter your Password.
  • Click the button to the right called Changed password.


  • Log into your nopCommerce site as an administrator.
  • Click on Configuration.
  • Click on Email accounts.
  • Click on Edit to edit the email account. If you don't already have an email account setup for sending you will need to do this first in the Setup section above.
  • Enter in the email address to send the test to (e.g., your email address).
  • Click on Send test email.

Upon saving you will get a green message if it was successful. If you receive a red message there was a failure. Either the email address entered or the settings (above) are not set correctly.