Add, Edit, and Remove Page Users For Facebook

 Created Date: 12/12/2020 2:49:04 PM |  User Level: Regular User |  Views: 1,484

What the user roles mean within Facebook

  • Admin
    • Manage Page roles and settings
    • Edit the Page and add apps
    • Create and delete posts as the Page
    • Send messages as the Page
    • Respond to and delete comments and posts to the Page
    • Remove and ban people from the Page
    • Create ads, promotions or boosted posts
    • View insights
    • View Page Quality tab
    • See who published as the Page
    • Publish and manage jobs
    • Turn on job features for a post
  • Editor
    • Edit the Page and add apps
    • Create and delete posts as the Page
    • Send messages as the Page
    • Respond to and delete comments and posts to the Page
    • Remove and ban people from the Page
    • Create ads, promotions or boosted posts
    • View insights
    • View Page Quality tab
    • See who published as the Page
    • Publish and manage jobs
    • Turn on job features for a post
  • Moderator
    • Send messages as the Page
    • Respond to and delete comments and posts to the Page
    • Remove and ban people from the Page
    • Create ads, promotions or boosted posts
    • View insights
    • View Page Quality tab
    • See who published as the Page
  • Advertiser
    • Create ads, promotions or boosted posts
    • View insights
    • View Page Quality tab
    • See who published as the Page
  • Analyst
    • View insights
    • View Page Quality tab
    • See who published as the Page

Adding Users

Note: This can only be done by you if you have the appropriate user role settings.

  • Go to the Facebook Business Page you want to add a user to.
  • Click on Settings.
  • Click on Page Roles.
  • Within the "Assign a New Page Role" type in the persons name.
    • Note: You may need to be friends with the user to do this depending upon their profile security settings.
  • Choose the appropriate role (see user roles above for available roles).
  • Click on the Add button.
    • Note: You will be asked to enter your Facebook password.

Editing Users

Note: This can only be done by you if you have the appropriate user role settings.

  • Go to the Facebook Business Page you want to remove a user to
  • Click on Settings.
  • Click on Page Roles.
  • Within the "Existing Page Roles" section click on Edit for the user you wish to modify.
  • Change the users Page Role from what it currently is to the new role.
  • Click on the Update button.
    • Note: You will be asked to enter your Facebook password.

Removing Users

Note 1: This can only be done by you if you have the appropriate user role settings.

Note 2: You cannot remove yourself with the current Facebook configuration. If you wish to remove yourself you will need to ask another Page Admin to do this or contact Facebook support.

  • Go to the Facebook Business Page you want to remove a user to
  • Click on Settings.
  • Click on Page Roles.
  • Within the "Existing Page Roles" section click on Edit for the user you wish to remove.
  • Click on Remove.
  • Click on the Confirm button to confirm you wish to remove this user.