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Are you a good boss to your employee (website)?

Are you a good boss to your employee (website)?

 1/16/2014 | Views: 6,499 | 3 Minutes, 2 Second | | Tags: Website

We take the launch of your new website to be the same as hiring a new employee. As with all new hires you start evaluating an employee from day one. The first 90-120 days are crucial to the success, or failure, of an employee and seeing how they will benefit your organization. You start to measure their performance against a set of pre-established goals on a regular basis and making adjustments, remediation and further investment to make them the best that they can be.

You don't, rather we hope you don't, leave your employee alone and then fire them because they didn't perform as you wanted. Making your website effective takes a commitment just as you commit to a real employee. Your website is your organizations presence that works for you 24x7. Every employee, new or experienced, needs to be guided and mentored to achieve the best performance.

You need to manage your website just as you do an employee. The first step to ensuring this Return On Investment (ROI) is identifying the business and marketing objectives. Of equal importance is to identify and implement conversion points that identify progress towards these goals and how they will be measured; just like an employee. Are you reaching the target number of pages, number of forms being filled in and completed, viewing of videos, downloading of files, utilizing applications, where users are coming into the site, where users are exiting the site, requesting information, contacting your business and completing a purchase.

Your website provides constant feedback to you on where it's doing great and where it is underachieving. This feedback is called data analytics and conversion tracking. This will tell you how many people your website is communicating with hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, etc. You will see where your customers are going, how long they stay at a certain location within your website. A successful employee is one where everyone works as a team to achieve a common goal or goals. In a similar fashion, reviewing your data analytics on a yearly basis or even quarterly limits the progress and learning opportunities. Provided there is enough traffic, more frequent reviews make for rapid response, adjustment and progress. Some sites you will find can do well with a monthly review and change. Others may need day to day interactions to keep things as efficiently as possible.

Nurture your website to be the best it can by continually striving to gain peak performance. Putting in place programs like A/B testing, conversion rate optimization and landing page optimization will put your organization, and your site, on the path to greatest success possible. You will be utilizing your website as a 24x7 voice for your business that provides consistency to your core standards.

We encourage everyone to take a second look at their website strategies. Are you treating your website without a "job description" so that you know if you are achieving measurable goals which everyone can judge and drive success? If you are you may be missing a huge possibility for continued growth.

We understand that for many of our customers they don't have the time or resources available to take on the needs of their website and social media. Let JM2 Webdesigners help augment and complement your organizations online needs. For more information contact our sales team at @BUSINESSEMAILADDRESS@.