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Top 5 SEO Lies

Top 5 SEO Lies

 2/4/2018 | Views: 7,421 | 1 Minute | | Tags: SEO

As a company that everything is based on "no lying" it's always good to cover some of the biggest lies that we know people have been told. Today we're going to cover search engine optimization and the most common lies that we routinely here. Slick talkers will say whatever they can for a sale. Business owners want to get as high on the search engines and when they hear a deal, even one too good to be true, many will jump on board.

  • I can get you to position number one - This is the biggest lie anyone says. No one, and we mean no one, can guarantee you to position one. Google and Bing will guarantee you above position one if you pay. No one can guarantee position one. The best anyone can do is adhere to the search engine best practices and follow them.
  • Duplicate content is fine - Your content should be on your website and your website alone. Don't post on other blogs. Post on one and stick with it.
  • One month I will get you in the top results - No one can guarantee results in any time frame. No SEO company controls the search engines and anytime you are told that someone can guarantee results in a specific time frame.
  • More links are better - The time of links that are low quality helping your search engine results is gone. You want high-quality links that pertain to your industry.
  • All you need is SEO - All too often we hear that all you need to do is submit to the search engines every month and you will get the results you want. You need to write quality content that people want to be found.

Search engine optimization is an art and a science. You need to listen to the recommended best practices search engines. They change often from daily, weekly, and monthly. You should adjust to those changes as you can and your content should be adjusted to the changing needs of your customers.