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Are you presenting a polished image?

Are you presenting a polished image?

 6/13/2014 | Views: 6,608 | 3 Minutes, 1 Second | | Tags: Website

This month we have helped over a half dozen companies polish their website appearances. We evaluated their website and found the content to be exactly what they wanted to convey. The design of their company pages were dated and unappealing to their customers. The engagement on the sites were not bringing the results that they wanted.

We always talk about how your website should be treated as employee of your business. Businesses want their employees to present the company in a clean, positive, polished and professional manner whenever they are working for the company as well as when they are off duty. A person trying to sell a professional service and shows up in t-shirt and shorts may be appropriate if you are selling surf boards but not when you want to sell your products and services to another professional. They always say dress to impress. Your website should always be dressed for the success of your business.

A site that was first rate and top notch five or ten years ago is definitely no longer wearing or showing the best appearance. A site built a year or two ago may also be showing signs of wear as technology changes on a monthly basis. A website that may be showing its best foot forward to the people visiting the site may not be showing a good view for the search engines. A site filled with spammy words, black hat techniques or other malicious techniques to show on the search engines can not only tarnish your reputation to the search engines but make you fall off the first page of the results.

Below are a few thoughts on what you should be thinking of in a site redesign to show your business in a more professional light using today's technology.

  • Built-on the technologies that your users will be using
  • Support all the latest devices of desktop, tablet and mobile devices
  • A website today should be clear and concise to what you are trying to showcase
  • There should always be a call to action on what you want your customer to do (buy a product, engage with customer service, etc.)
  • The graphics that you show should be crisp and visually appealing to the content you are showing
  • All of your images should have text that clearly defines what they are. Navigation of your site

Taking the information above we have two websites we want to showcase to you that show what a redesign will do.

Arbor Hill Inn

Arbor Hill Inn: Before
Arbor Hill Inn: Before

With all updates there hundreds of major and minor updates to a website. Below is a small subset of the changes:

  • Professional photography
  • Clean and professional design
  • Simplification of the site
  • Social media integration
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Merrion Realty

Merrion Realty: Before
Merrion Realty: Before

With all updates there hundreds of major and minor updates to a website. Below is a small subset of the changes:

  • Logo updated
  • Interface usability improvements
  • Improved administrative functions
  • Data analytics of the properties so that they know how many people are coming to the site
  • Social media integration
  • More direct contact with realtors
  • Search engine to navigate the site

To learn how we can help your business improve its online appearances to not only your customers but the search engines contact us at through email at @BUSINESSEMAILADDRESS@ or call (855) 456-2669.