Handling SEO for your company


Handling SEO for your company

 9/19/2016 12:00:00 AM | Views: 6,296 | 5 Minutes, 20 Second |  Written By John Marx | Tags: SEO

As we work on content writing, graphic design, social media and search engine optimization (SEO) we often look at what a typical day looks like. Below is a list of what we do for our clients on a weekly and daily basis.

Creating Quality Content

Content is king and we've posted many articles on it. Without quality content people would not come back to your site. Since moving to a blog article (or more) per week we have seen a doubling of our blog readers as well as visits to our other pages. We have also seen an increase in clients based on providing valuable information to them.

Removing duplicate content

Often pages have the same information. Whether intentional (trying to do black hat SEO) or just mistake a good part of the day is reading through our client sites and modifying the content. This also has another great purpose in providing more quality content.

Navigation & User Experience

When it comes to a working website you need to have your content able to be found. This is where the user experience (UX) comes into play. When your navigation and UX work together users will be able to find information more quickly, with fewer clicks, and will keep them on your site longer. This decreases the bounce rate of a page and will often increase the conversion of users.


When it comes to increasing visitors and customers you need fresh and relevant content. When you blog you will often add a new article monthly. Often you will add more than monthly but at a minimum by doing it monthly you are showing the search engines that you care about your site and are working to inform your visitors and build a trust with them. When writing blog articles a key to what we write is not about a current special but something that will last over an extended period of time. This type of content is evergreen and will help improve a client's SEO efforts.

Data (Google Analytics & Google Search Console)

A large portion daily is checking the analytics provided by Google. This information is crucial as today Google is the largest search engine with 80% of the overall market. Looking at the information you can see how the pages are performing, look at bounce rates, see if there have been any algorithm changes. Often we don't see an algorithm change from one client but a culmination of all of them we are able to spot trends happening.

Keyword research

Researching what keywords work well for a client is often a critical task to achieve optimum visitors. By looking at industry trends we can further define what keywords work best. While researching keywords we further gain insight into what keywords are presently working on the internet and helps in building a list for blog articles and refining existing content.

Building relevant backlinks

Contacting sites where we can gain a backlink to a site is time consuming but has great benefits. The key time finding relevant backlinks is making certain they have a positive and growing reputation and are not marked as spam. Often you will receive in the mail that you can get hundreds, even thousands, of quality backlinks when in reality they are spam links which will lower your SEO ranking.

Editing metadata

This is one of the biggest mistakes people miss out on. They believe that since Google doesn't always use the information that it's better to put placeholders of "Will be replaced by Google" or just some generic information. It is true Google doesn't always use the information that doesn't mean you shouldn't fill it in. Other search engines will use it and often your information is more accurate when it is chosen. Keywords are also a place missed by people. They will add carriage returns rather than commas as they are truly clueless or they use single words rather than more unique keywords.


A critical piece are meetings. Many believe these are bad but they can be good as you can learn about new directions a company is making, adjust your plan (you have one right?), and go over performance from your analytics. These meetings are both internal as well as external with the client.

Email marketing

Getting your positive word out there about your product is often done through marketing efforts like email marketing. This type of marketing even with its low read rate of 20-30% is still a viable source of lead generation.

Mobile optimization

We have many clients that are over 70% mobile while others are just a few percentage points. Your industry and clients will determine how much mobile will matter. The search engines will reward those sites that are mobile and with content that flows to all platforms without being overly different. Having a separate mobile site can be beneficial but also could be considered differently and giving different results between desktop and mobile.


Monitoring is a crucial part of everything. How fast is your computer network, your server, and your website? Not just your homepage but every page within your site. Are the pages performing at a speed your visitors want or are you missing sales opportunities? Did that new plugin slowdown your site by a second or two? When you have monitoring enabled you will see that sooner and hopefully before your visitors do.


When it comes to SEO you need to look at many items. These items are done daily and weekly as well as monthly. By staying on-point and constantly watching your site you can improve your visitors, your conversions and increase your customer base. This can often seem overwhelming spending a few hours every day and week but will often return more revenue than you spend doing it.

JM2 Webdesigners from Valparaiso Indiana is a company that is built to help your business grow. To learn about our SEO and social media maintenance packages click here, call and talk to us at @BUSINESSPHONETOLLFREE@, email at @BUSINESSEMAILADDRESS@, or use our online contact form here.