Black Hat Versus White Hat SEO


Black Hat Versus White Hat SEO

 12/22/2015 12:00:00 AM | Views: 7,095 | 5 Minutes, 0 Second |  Written By John Marx | Tags: SEO

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is becoming a big item lately and for good reason. Social media alone will only get you so far in the engagement process with your customers. Social media isn’t your “brand”, you have no control over the look-and-feel, colors, layout, etc. Companies are quickly learning that social media is important to engage their customers and their website and eCommerce sites are equally important to help close the sale. Companies want to get out the good word about their products and services and they want the search engines to work for them to get that good word out.

Organically vs Paid

The holy grail is getting found organically (free) compared to having to pay each of the search engines to be found. You can either pay an employee to learn and perform this process or hire a company like JM2 Webdesigners in Valparaiso Indiana that specializes in SEO. When you hire a company to assist they become a low-cost alternative to an employee working toward your businesses success as they have a vested interest in your success to keep their revenue moving forward. What a company like ours does is push to get your business found organically with our search engine solutions that adhere to the best practices of the Internet. We do this following what are called “White Hat” SEO techniques and is the only true way to guarantee success. These are the best practices defined by the search engines. These techniques change weekly, sometimes daily, and we follow them to achieve the results you want to grow your brand.

The Guarantee

We love to hear about SEO companies putting out a guarantee they will give you page 1 position 1 spots on Google and Bing. When you hear this run, don’t walk, as unless you are talking to the search engines themselves they cannot guarantee that. The choice of where you truly are in the SERP (Search Engine Result Pages) is the search engines themselves. The only thing you can do is to follow the rules outlined (e.g. best practices) and comply with all of the latest web development standards. The only guarantee you can be given by any SEO company is they will do their best to achieve the results you want. This requires quality content, adherence to the latest internet standards, and using the recommended best practices of the search engines.

White vs Black

The easiest way to know the difference between white hat and black hat SEO is to think of good versus bad. By doing good you will get the results you want with those results being positive in enforcing your brand and achieving the results you want. It can take longer but SEO is not a short race; it’s a marathon.

Black Hat SEO

Those that promise page 1 results on the search engines are merely lying to you to take your money. They have no vested long-term interest in your company’s success. When the promised results seem too good to be true it isn’t uncommon that the SEO company is employee bad SEO techniques. The one item that makes black hat attractive is that most sites do go up in the first few weeks, even months. This makes it extremely attractive to many as they want those quick results. The downside is that the search engines are getting smarter each and every day. When they notice these techniques being used you are marked with a penalty. These penalties can be quite costly to your company’s online success. We have seen companies go from page 1 to page 10 when black hat SEO techniques are used and have read reports of some that have even results worse than that.

White Hat SEO

This is where you truly want to be when you employ all of the recommendations and internet standards. This is the marathon approach to SEO and you should see your results improve over time in a consistent and steady pace. When the search engines make changes your standing within the search engines should not waiver much, if at all. You will most likely not get instant results like you do with black hat SEO in the short term. In the end you will have won your marathon as you did all of the right things. Doing the right things means that you are writing unique quality content that benefits your users and answers the question they are asking. The information that you provide to your site visitors produces results over the long haul for your customers on a consistent basis. Your customers will continually want to come back as what you are providing to them is value.

Earning your SEO Results

Earn Your Results

To earn your SEO results you have to work for it using the proper white hat techniques. Just as you’ve built or are in the process of building your business one day at a time your SEO plan should do the same. It should be a continual rise in providing superior information for your customers. You cannot get quality results overnight.


You would never cut corners in your products and services to gain some quick results (we hope you wouldn’t). Quality is important for your business to survive the business marathon. By keeping quality at the top of your mind your business will grow and your SEO techniques will result in the results that you want to see.

If you are looking to improve your search engine results JM2 Webdesigners in Valparaiso Indiana is here to help your business succeed. We have no long term contracts and do so as we want the results we provide to you to speak for themselves. We are ready and waiting to take care of your SEO, digital marketing, and other web related needs through our online contact form here, toll free at @BUSINESSPHONETOLLFREE@, or through email at @BUSINESSEMAILADDRESS@.