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What is online marketing?

What is online marketing?

 5/20/2016 | Views: 6,659 | 3 Minutes, 30 Second | | Tags: Marketing

When the public started using the Internet back in 1995 online marketing was truly born. As each person came onto the Internet online marketing became more important. Today you will hear of many ways and solutions for what online marketing is. Who is right and what is the right way to do online marketing? We will cover what the top six items are and what the "real answer" truly is.


Having a beautiful website that is responsive so that it works well on desktop, tablet and mobile devices. The website needs to be easy to use, help your visitor solve their current problem, and inform them and make them want to purchase from you.


A blog will solve all of your problems. It really will (not!). A blog is a way of adding content to your site, showing your expertise, and keeping your content fresh and relevant for your customers. A blog is routinely tied with a website to get people to look at your other products and services after reading and seeing that you are an expert in your field.


The next group you will hear, which is often combined with your website is SEO or search engine optimization. This is a set of techniques to get your information as close to the top of the search engines as possible; preferably on page one.


PPC is part of SEO but completely different. PPC is Pay-Per-Click where you pay to be at the top of the search engine pages or on the right side of the results (depending upon the search engine). Here you bid for a set of words/phrases to be found under.

Email Marketing

When it comes to marketing nothing beats good old fashion email. The average consumer receives 147 emails per DAY. You don't receive that many? Well consider yourself lucky. We have some test accounts to see and "catch spammers" and some receive over 300 per day. Email marketing is a great way to bring in visitors to your business and any business marketing needs to have this as part of it's arsenal.

Social Media

Social media is the biggest place you will here and that it is ALL you will need. After all everyone is on social media and there is no need for a website. When it comes to finding businesses online social media is not king. Content from your website is king and Google, Bing and Yahoo help people find content on websites that are mobile optimized, have fast load times, and are places that people want to go to. Social media alone sounds like an easy path but the easy path is not always the best path to follow when it comes to growing your business.

Other / Offline Marketing

Then we have text marketing, flyers newspaper ads, radio ads, commercials and word of mouth. These are also valid ways to market and get your good word out to the mainstream public.

So from all the above which one is right?

Well, actually, it is all of them! What?!?!?!?! You are crazy. That will not only cost a fortune but take a lot of work. That may be so and growing up we always knew that to achieve greatness you can't just do a half a job. You need to work hard and do a complete job for success. When we work with or clients each is a piece of the puzzle but not the edges of the puzzle. These pieces are the inside pieces that fits together. What is needed for the highest level of success is a clear marketing strategy that uses all of the techniques above and establishes procedures, synergies and strategies to accomplish your business goals and objectives.


Don't do just one of the above items without having a clear strategy for success. With a strategy that covers all of the items above you will be able to truly succeed online.

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