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Know Your Facebook Analytics - This Week

Know Your Facebook Analytics - This Week

 11/9/2015 | Views: 7,949 | 2 Minutes, 22 Second | | Tags: Digital Marketing, Facebook, Social Media

Facebook provides you with some really great analytics when you visit your page. At the top of your page is Insights which gives you some really great in-depth information. We're going to keep this article short and sweet and cover six core items you'll see on your Page. This information will help give you a quick gauge on how you're doing. We'll later go into details on the Insights and how they can benefit you.

This information in the This Week section are the results for the past seven days. The number change daily. This afternoon when we logged in are different than what they were at 6am this morning. Each of the words beneath the numbers are links that will display an inline window or will take you directly to the related item that provides to you more detail regarding the number.

Facebook This Week

Post Reach

For every post that you put onto Facebook this will give you information of how many people you've reached in the past week.

Post Engagement

The engagement is out of everyone that saw your Facebook posts in the past week how many engaged you. An engagement could be a like, a click, or a comment. The higher this number the better.

Contact Us

The Contact Us is how many times someone contacted you through your contact process or call to action (CTA) within Facebook.

Website Clicks

We love this one. This is how many people were interested enough in what you're saying that they clicked to visit your website. Like the other pages the higher this one is the better.

Response Rate

We recently took over a client where their response rate was 10 of 0. This means they didn't respond to anything coming to them through social media in the last seven days. The ideal rate is 1 of 1 where you respond to each and every person that contacts you.

Response Time

Facebook wants you to get back with people as quickly as possible. They consider perfect to be very perfect (matter of minutes). That is unrealistic for most of us. Be realistic in what this is. The lower the better but remember to not just live on social media waiting for someone. We strive to keep all of our social media contacts to two hours or less (we do sleep after all).


As soon as you reach your page there is truly a lot of information available to you. This information is beneficial without having to delve into the full Insights and gives you a quick glance at what you're doing. If you could use some helping in taking your social media reach from good to great, we would love to sit down and talk with you. You can reach us at @BUSINESSPHONETOLLFREE@, email at @BUSINESSEMAILADDRESS@, or through our online contact form here.