We have had a project named "Project Sugar" because it is such a sweet deal. Today we are offering it to everyone. All too often we hear about clients be charged a virtual arm and a leg to get an eCommerce site up and running. Today we are going to change that. Our clients now can receive a basic eCommerce system that comes with the proverbial kitchen sink. Our clients will receive a full-featured eCommerce system starting at just $495.
Offering a solution that doesn't offer everything a growing small business needs would not be our style. We are again disrupting and causing anarchy by doing it our way. Small and mid-size businesses must grow to survive. Our solution gives a business everything that the big boys have without the big boy prices. Below is a very small sampling of the features.
Interested? We thought so. We built this for every size business to grow and be the best they can be. We pride ourselves in giving more and adding more than anyone else. We have always believed in high-quality and easy to use content management systems and this offering is definitely a great offering. To talk and get started give us a call at @BUSINESSPHONETOLLFREE@, email us at @BUSINESSEMAILADDRESS@, or use our online contact form here.