nopCommerce Email Templates

 Created Date: 12/24/2020 3:50:04 AM |  User Level: Regular User |  Views: 2,042

Email is a critical part of an eCommerce system. nopCommerce comes with several pre-made email templates. Out of the box these templates help you communicate between yourself and your customers. Often the templates need to be customized for your unique business needs.

Available Out of the Box nopCommerce Email Templates

Name Subject
Blog.BlogComment New blog comment.
Customer.BackInStock Back in stock notification
Customer.EmailRevalidationMessage Email validation
Customer.EmailValidationMessage Email validation
Customer.NewOrderNote New order note has been added
Customer.NewPM You have received a new private message
Customer.PasswordRecovery Password recovery
Customer.WelcomeMessage Welcome to %Store.Name%
Forums.NewForumPost New Post Notification.
Forums.NewForumTopic New Topic Notification.
GiftCard.Notification %GiftCard.SenderName% has sent you a gift card for %Store.Name%
NewCustomer.Notification New customer registration
NewReturnRequest.CustomerNotification New return request.
NewReturnRequest.StoreOwnerNotification New return request.
News.NewsComment New news comment.
NewsLetterSubscription.ActivationMessage Subscription activation message.
NewsLetterSubscription.DeactivationMessage Subscription deactivation message.
NewVATSubmitted.StoreOwnerNotification New VAT number is submitted.
OrderCancelled.CustomerNotification Your order cancelled
OrderCompleted.CustomerNotification Your order completed
OrderPaid.AffiliateNotification Order #%Order.OrderNumber% paid
OrderPaid.CustomerNotification Order #%Order.OrderNumber% paid
OrderPaid.StoreOwnerNotification Order #%Order.OrderNumber% paid
OrderPaid.VendorNotification Order #%Order.OrderNumber% paid
OrderPlaced.AffiliateNotification Order placed
OrderPlaced.CustomerNotification Order receipt from %Store.Name%.
OrderPlaced.StoreOwnerNotification Purchase Receipt for Order #%Order.OrderNumber%
OrderPlaced.VendorNotification Order placed
OrderRefunded.CustomerNotification Order #%Order.OrderNumber% refunded
OrderRefunded.StoreOwnerNotification Order #%Order.OrderNumber% refunded
Product.ProductReview New product review.
ProductReview.Reply.CustomerNotification Product review reply.
QuantityBelow.AttributeCombination.StoreOwnerNotification Quantity below notification. %Product.Name%
QuantityBelow.StoreOwnerNotification Quantity below notification. %Product.Name%
RecurringPaymentCancelled.CustomerNotification Recurring payment cancelled
RecurringPaymentCancelled.StoreOwnerNotification Recurring payment cancelled
RecurringPaymentFailed.CustomerNotification Last recurring payment failed
ReturnRequestStatusChanged.CustomerNotification Return request status was changed.
Service.ContactUs Contact us
Service.ContactVendor Contact us
Service.EmailAFriend Referred Item
ShipmentDelivered.CustomerNotification Your order from %Store.Name% has been delivered.
ShipmentSent.CustomerNotification Your order from %Store.Name% has been shipped.
VendorAccountApply.StoreOwnerNotification New vendor account submitted.
VendorInformationChange.StoreOwnerNotification Vendor information change.
Wishlist.EmailAFriend Wishlist

Email Template Variables

As you work with templates you will often need to put in variables (e.g., a customers first name) that allow you to further customize your emails. The following are the available templates that are available to you:

  • Available on all email templates
    • Store.Name:  
    • Store.Email:  
    • Store.CompanyName:  
    • Store.CompanyAddress:  
    • Store.CompanyPhoneNumber:  
    • Store.CompanyVat:  
    • Facebook.URL:  
    • Twitter.URL:  
    • YouTube.URL:  
    • Customer.Email:  
    • Customer.Username:  
    • Customer.FullName:  
    • Customer.FirstName:  
    • Customer.LastName:  
    • Customer.VatNumber:  
    • Customer.VatNumberStatus:  
    • Customer.CustomAttributes:  
    • Customer.PasswordRecoveryURL:  
    • Customer.AccountActivationURL:  
    • Customer.EmailRevalidationURL:  
    • Wishlist.URLForCustomer:  
    • For conditional expressions use the token %if (your conditions) ... endif%
  • Blog email template specific fields
    • BlogComment.BlogPostTitle:  
  • Customer email template specific fields
    • BackInStockSubscription.ProductName:  
    • BackInStockSubscription.ProductUrl:  
  • Forums
    • Forums.ForumURL:  
    • Forums.ForumName:  
    • Forums.TopicURL:  
    • Forums.TopicName:  
    • Forums.PostAuthor:  
    • Forums.PostBody:  
  • Gift Cards
    • GiftCard.SenderName:  
    • GiftCard.SenderEmail:  
    • GiftCard.RecipientName:  
    • GiftCard.RecipientEmail:  
    • GiftCard.Amount:  
    • GiftCard.CouponCode:  
    • GiftCard.Message:  
  • New Customer
    • Customer.Email:  
    • Customer.Username:  
    • Customer.FullName:  
    • Customer.FirstName:  
    • Customer.LastName:  
    • Customer.VatNumber:  
    • Customer.VatNumberStatus:  
    • Customer.CustomAttributes:  
    • Customer.PasswordRecoveryURL:  
    • Customer.AccountActivationURL:  
    • Customer.EmailRevalidationURL:  
    • Wishlist.URLForCustomer:  
  • Orders
    • Covers these templates
      • Order Cancelled
      • Order Completed
      • Order Paid
      • Order Placed
      • Ordered Refunded
      • Return Request
      • Return Request Status Changed
    • Variables
      • Order.OrderNumber:  
      • Order.CustomerFullName:  
      • Order.CustomerEmail:  
      • Order.BillingFirstName:  
      • Order.BillingLastName:  
      • Order.BillingPhoneNumber:  
      • Order.BillingEmail:  
      • Order.BillingFaxNumber:  
      • Order.BillingCompany:  
      • Order.BillingAddress1:  
      • Order.BillingAddress2:  
      • Order.BillingCity:  
      • Order.BillingCounty:  
      • Order.BillingStateProvince:  
      • Order.BillingZipPostalCode:  
      • Order.BillingCountry:  
      • Order.BillingCustomAttributes:  
      • Order.Shippable:  
      • Order.ShippingMethod:  
      • Order.ShippingFirstName:  
      • Order.ShippingLastName:  
      • Order.ShippingPhoneNumber:  
      • Order.ShippingEmail:  
      • Order.ShippingFaxNumber:  
      • Order.ShippingCompany:  
      • Order.ShippingAddress1:  
      • Order.ShippingAddress2:  
      • Order.ShippingCity:  
      • Order.ShippingCounty:  
      • Order.ShippingStateProvince:  
      • Order.ShippingZipPostalCode:  
      • Order.ShippingCountry:  
      • Order.ShippingCustomAttributes:  
      • Order.PaymentMethod:  
      • Order.VatNumber:  
      • Order.CustomValues:  
      • Order.Product(s):  
      • Order.CreatedOn:  
      • Order.OrderURLForCustomer:  
      • Order.PickupInStore:  
      • Order.OrderId:  
      • ReturnRequest.OrderId.CustomNumber:  
      • ReturnRequest.Product.Quantity:  
      • ReturnRequest.Product.Name:  
      • ReturnRequest.Reason:  
      • ReturnRequest.RequestedAction:  
      • ReturnRequest.CustomerComment:  
      • ReturnRequest.StaffNotes:  
      • ReturnRequest.Status:  
  • News
    • NewsComment.NewsTitle:  
  • Newsletters
    • NewsLetterSubscription.Email:  
    • NewsLetterSubscription.ActivationUrl:  
    • NewsLetterSubscription.DeactivationUrl:  
  • VATS
    • VatValidationResult.Name:  
    • VatValidationResult.Address:  
  • Product
    • ProductReview.ProductName:  
    • ProductReview.Title:  
    • ProductReview.IsApproved:  
    • ProductReview.ReviewText:  
    • ProductReview.ReplyText:  
  • Product Review
    • ProductReview.ProductName:  
    • ProductReview.Title:  
    • ProductReview.IsApproved:  
    • ProductReview.ReviewText:  
    • ProductReview.ReplyText:  
  • Quantity Below
    • Product.ID:  
    • Product.Name:  
    • Product.ShortDescription:  
    • Product.ProductURLForCustomer:  
    • Product.SKU:  
    • Product.StockQuantity:  
    • AttributeCombination.Formatted:  
    • AttributeCombination.SKU:  
    • AttributeCombination.StockQuantity:  
  • Recurring Payment Cancelled
    • Order.OrderNumber:  
    • Order.CustomerFullName:  
    • Order.CustomerEmail:  
    • Order.BillingFirstName:  
    • Order.BillingLastName:  
    • Order.BillingPhoneNumber:  
    • Order.BillingEmail:  
    • Order.BillingFaxNumber:  
    • Order.BillingCompany:  
    • Order.BillingAddress1:  
    • Order.BillingAddress2:  
    • Order.BillingCity:  
    • Order.BillingCounty:  
    • Order.BillingStateProvince:  
    • Order.BillingZipPostalCode:  
    • Order.BillingCountry:  
    • Order.BillingCustomAttributes:  
    • Order.Shippable:  
    • Order.ShippingMethod:  
    • Order.ShippingFirstName:  
    • Order.ShippingLastName:  
    • Order.ShippingPhoneNumber:  
    • Order.ShippingEmail:  
    • Order.ShippingFaxNumber:  
    • Order.ShippingCompany:  
    • Order.ShippingAddress1:  
    • Order.ShippingAddress2:  
    • Order.ShippingCity:  
    • Order.ShippingCounty:  
    • Order.ShippingStateProvince:  
    • Order.ShippingZipPostalCode:  
    • Order.ShippingCountry:  
    • Order.ShippingCustomAttributes:  
    • Order.PaymentMethod:  
    • Order.VatNumber:  
    • Order.CustomValues:  
    • Order.Product(s):  
    • Order.CreatedOn:  
    • Order.OrderURLForCustomer:  
    • Order.PickupInStore:  
    • Order.OrderId:  
    • ReturnRequest.OrderId.CustomNumber:  
    • ReturnRequest.Product.Quantity:  
    • ReturnRequest.Product.Name:  
    • ReturnRequest.Reason:  
    • ReturnRequest.RequestedAction:  
    • ReturnRequest.CustomerComment:  
    • ReturnRequest.StaffNotes:  
    • ReturnRequest.Status:  
    • RecurringPayment.ID:  
    • RecurringPayment.CancelAfterFailedPayment:  
    • RecurringPayment.RecurringPaymentType:  
  • Recurring Payment Failed
    • Order.OrderNumber:  
    • Order.CustomerFullName:  
    • Order.CustomerEmail:  
    • Order.BillingFirstName:  
    • Order.BillingLastName:  
    • Order.BillingPhoneNumber:  
    • Order.BillingEmail:  
    • Order.BillingFaxNumber:  
    • Order.BillingCompany:  
    • Order.BillingAddress1:  
    • Order.BillingAddress2:  
    • Order.BillingCity:  
    • Order.BillingCounty:  
    • Order.BillingStateProvince:  
    • Order.BillingZipPostalCode:  
    • Order.BillingCountry:  
    • Order.BillingCustomAttributes:  
    • Order.Shippable:  
    • Order.ShippingMethod:  
    • Order.ShippingFirstName:  
    • Order.ShippingLastName:  
    • Order.ShippingPhoneNumber:  
    • Order.ShippingEmail:  
    • Order.ShippingFaxNumber:  
    • Order.ShippingCompany:  
    • Order.ShippingAddress1:  
    • Order.ShippingAddress2:  
    • Order.ShippingCity:  
    • Order.ShippingCounty:  
    • Order.ShippingStateProvince:  
    • Order.ShippingZipPostalCode:  
    • Order.ShippingCountry:  
    • Order.ShippingCustomAttributes:  
    • Order.PaymentMethod:  
    • Order.VatNumber:  
    • Order.CustomValues:  
    • Order.Product(s):  
    • Order.CreatedOn:  
    • Order.OrderURLForCustomer:  
    • Order.PickupInStore:  
    • Order.OrderId:  
    • RecurringPayment.ID:  
    • RecurringPayment.CancelAfterFailedPayment:  
    • RecurringPayment.RecurringPaymentType:  
  • Service
    • ContactUs.SenderEmail:  
    • ContactUs.SenderName:  
    • ContactUs.Body:  
  • Shipment Delivered
    • Order.OrderNumber:  
    • Order.CustomerFullName:  
    • Order.CustomerEmail:  
    • Order.BillingFirstName:  
    • Order.BillingLastName:  
    • Order.BillingPhoneNumber:  
    • Order.BillingEmail:  
    • Order.BillingFaxNumber:  
    • Order.BillingCompany:  
    • Order.BillingAddress1:  
    • Order.BillingAddress2:  
    • Order.BillingCity:  
    • Order.BillingCounty:  
    • Order.BillingStateProvince:  
    • Order.BillingZipPostalCode:  
    • Order.BillingCountry:  
    • Order.BillingCustomAttributes:  
    • Order.Shippable:  
    • Order.ShippingMethod:  
    • Order.ShippingFirstName:  
    • Order.ShippingLastName:  
    • Order.ShippingPhoneNumber:  
    • Order.ShippingEmail:  
    • Order.ShippingFaxNumber:  
    • Order.ShippingCompany:  
    • Order.ShippingAddress1:  
    • Order.ShippingAddress2:  
    • Order.ShippingCity:  
    • Order.ShippingCounty:  
    • Order.ShippingStateProvince:  
    • Order.ShippingZipPostalCode:  
    • Order.ShippingCountry:  
    • Order.ShippingCustomAttributes:  
    • Order.PaymentMethod:  
    • Order.VatNumber:  
    • Order.CustomValues:  
    • Order.Product(s):  
    • Order.CreatedOn:  
    • Order.OrderURLForCustomer:  
    • Order.PickupInStore:  
    • Order.OrderId:  
    • Shipment.ShipmentNumber:  
    • Shipment.TrackingNumber:  
    • Shipment.TrackingNumberURL:  
    • Shipment.Product(s):  
    • Shipment.URLForCustomer:  
  • Shipment Sent
    • Order.OrderNumber:  
    • Order.CustomerFullName:  
    • Order.CustomerEmail:  
    • Order.BillingFirstName:  
    • Order.BillingLastName:  
    • Order.BillingPhoneNumber:  
    • Order.BillingEmail:  
    • Order.BillingFaxNumber:  
    • Order.BillingCompany:  
    • Order.BillingAddress1:  
    • Order.BillingAddress2:  
    • Order.BillingCity:  
    • Order.BillingCounty:  
    • Order.BillingStateProvince:  
    • Order.BillingZipPostalCode:  
    • Order.BillingCountry:  
    • Order.BillingCustomAttributes:  
    • Order.Shippable:  
    • Order.ShippingMethod:  
    • Order.ShippingFirstName:  
    • Order.ShippingLastName:  
    • Order.ShippingPhoneNumber:  
    • Order.ShippingEmail:  
    • Order.ShippingFaxNumber:  
    • Order.ShippingCompany:  
    • Order.ShippingAddress1:  
    • Order.ShippingAddress2:  
    • Order.ShippingCity:  
    • Order.ShippingCounty:  
    • Order.ShippingStateProvince:  
    • Order.ShippingZipPostalCode:  
    • Order.ShippingCountry:  
    • Order.ShippingCustomAttributes:  
    • Order.PaymentMethod:  
    • Order.VatNumber:  
    • Order.CustomValues:  
    • Order.Product(s):  
    • Order.CreatedOn:  
    • Order.OrderURLForCustomer:  
    • Order.PickupInStore:  
    • Order.OrderId:  
    • Shipment.ShipmentNumber:  
    • Shipment.TrackingNumber:  
    • Shipment.TrackingNumberURL:  
    • Shipment.Product(s):  
    • Shipment.URLForCustomer:  
  • Vendor Accounts
    • Vendor.Name:  
    • Vendor.Email:  
    • Vendor.VendorAttributes:  
  • Wishlist
    • Wishlist.PersonalMessage:  
    • Wishlist.Email:  
For conditional expressions use the token %if (your conditions) ... endif%

Editing an Email Template

With the list of templates and the available parameters now let's look at editing any of these templates. To edit a template do the following:

  • Log into your nopCommerce site as an administrator.
  • Click on Content management.
  • Click on Message templates.
  • Click on Edit to the right of the template you wish to modify.
  • When editing the following options are available.
    • Note: Click on Advanced so that all of the available options are available.
    • Name: This is the name of the template you are editing.
    • Subject: This is the subject of the email being sent. (variables are allowed here)
    • Body: This is the actual email message. (variables are allowed here)
    • BCC: If you wish to copy yourself, or another person, on all of the outbound emails fill in the email address you wish to send to.
    • Email account: This is the email account that the email will appear "from" when sent.
      • Note: This assumes you have your email already setup. If you don't you will need to complete that task first.
    • Button: Test template: This allows you to test the email and send to any email address you desire for testing (e.g., your own email address).
      • Send email to:  
      • %Store.Name%:  
      • %Store.URL%:  
      • %BlogComment.BlogPostTitle%:  
      • Click the Send button.
    • Is Active: States whether this template is enabled (sending is allowed) or disabled (no sending is allowed)
    • Send immediately: If you're eCommerce system is extremely busy this should be unchecked and the email will be queued when your eCommerce server is less busy. This is normally always on.
    • Attach static file: Allows you to attach an additional file to the email being sent.
      • Upload a file: Choose the file that you wish to have attached. You can only include one file to each email template.
    • Limited to Stores: Allows you to limit an email template to a specific store.
      • Note: In order to use this functionality, you have to disable the following setting: Catalog settings > Ignore "limit per store" rules.
  • Click on the Save button.